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Kunshan Core IOT technology share: advantages of palletizer compared with manual

Kunshan Core IOT technology share: advantages of palletizer compared with manual 

 Palletizer compared with the advantages of artificial palletizer, also known as stacker, stacking machine, etc. Once it comes out, it is favored by enterprises. Like our common beverage stacking, carton stacking, etc., is the use of palletizer. The role of the palletizer is to stack the products in a certain way to facilitate transportation. Compared with the traditional artificial palletizing, there are obvious advantages. 1. Saving cost and improving efficiency With economic transformation, aging population and labor shortage, the cost of employing people is rising all the time. At this time, the role of machines is becoming more and more obvious. The use of machines to undertake palletizing work, people will be freed from repeated tedious labor. Although the one-time investment of the machine is higher than the wage, but in accordance with the use of time and input-output ratio to calculate, there is no doubt that the use of palletifier is far more economical than labor. Palletizer can work 24 hours a day, and the error rate is lower, the same work, more efficient than manual. 2, easy to manage the machine as long as the switch on the line, pay attention to regular maintenance and maintenance, and personnel management is a university of enterprise, and even need professional personnel to coordinate, machine is easier to manage than people.  
